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Working hours for cars: 1 March - 1 November 10:00 - 18:00 / 1 November - 1 March 10:00 - 17:00

Working hours for Karting: 1 March - 1 November 18:00 - 01:00 / 1 November - 1 March 17:00 - 23:00



One full day per person - 25 GEL

Karting rent 10 minutes - 35 GEL

Commercial activity without closing the track 1 hour - 200 GEL

Complete closing (for rent) of the racing track for 1 hour - 800 GEL

Complete closing (for rent) of the racing track 1 day - 5000 GEL

Helmet - 10 GEL

Each month, 13th the main part (widest) of the racing track will be separated from other roads and will be free of charge!

Special conditions apply to gold card holders, car clubs and corporate clients. Contact us for details. Data can be viewed in Contacts.